Rules To Live By:
by Aly for Aly and whoever else needs it
2. Don't dwell, let it roll off your shoulders.
3. Keep an open mind. You aren't right about everything.
4. Be pleasant as much as possible.
5. Be patient. Don't rush into things all the time.
6. Find simple things that make you feel good.
7. Be grateful for things you have right in front of you.8. Tell the people who matter most to you that they freaking matter!
9. Don't worry too much 'bout what you ain't got.
10. Close your eyes and dance more. Makes you feel good.
11. Drink more fluids and eat the food you like.
12. Excercise, walk around, whatevs, but just do something where you get off your butt.
13. Don't let stupid people hang around in your life for too long.
14. If all of your close friends don't like the person you're dating. Rethink that.
15. Don't let nobody ever push you around.
16. Own it. All of it.
17. Be aggressive. B E agressive.
18. If you want something. Go for it. Why the hay not?
19. Don't be afraid.
20. Don't overthink it.
21. Live yo' life and keep on truckin'.
That and so much more.