Yesterday I went to Woodfield mall with my mom, my sister, Mrs. Williams, and some bitches. Over lunch at the Rainforest Cafe we reminisced over the good ol' days across the road at the Rolling Meadows Hotel. When we drove back home Mrs. Williams giggled a little and said, "Back in the day, the kids would all be asleep by now." (Referring to when we would drive back from our trips). That's when I started thinking about how fast car rides go by for me.
It all sorta adds up to how I feel about everything when I'm with people. (vague, I know).
For example, when I go to eat with people I really like. I just want everyone to chill and let the moments just kind of stay put. Or like when people don't take their coats off when they are somewhere they are going to be for awhile. It puts me on edge and I want them to just stay for a spell.
Car rides are perfect for that. No one can really go anywhere until the destination has been met. I like that. I like when people can stay put with me.
Even if it is only for just awhile.